How much attention
How Long Can I Hold Your Attention For?/ How Much Presence Can I Give You? I've been following a variety of conversations about social media, artificial intelligence and advertising. Apparently when I want to communicate with you via Social Media, I am set against supercomputers that are exerting exponentially increasing (whatever appropriate measurement) to grab my attention. I guess ultimately to get me to shop or at least to gobble up my data. It's no wonder that whilst emailing you, I find myself two hours later down some tailored-to-fit-me-cyber-hole, that I actually had no interest in. Can attention be seen as a new currency? And what is the difference between attention and presence? Jewellery historically has been a method to store and communicate value. Can it also hold my attention? How long does it hold your attention for? The making of jewellery certainly requires a lot of both attention and presence. Could jewellery hold attention, as value, as ...